Although I hate excuses, I have a valid one for not writing. Three weeks ago, I had the lens taken out of one eye and replaced with a Johnson and Johnson. There was a slight complication and my cornea was bruised. Three weeks later I had the second eye operation. Again, there was a complication with the cornea.
At the end of June, I returned to the clinic and had my eyes tested. A lot of people can go without glasses after having cataract surgery. Not me. Luckily, I like wearing glasses and, at this appointment, was given a new prescription - a lot weaker that my previous one - and told I only need them for reading and driving.
I will make one small note about my novel. I have removed Chapter 1 and 2 from this site because I have made so many changes. I've also changed the main character's names because "Eve" sounds like me and she is not me and add to that I named the husband Adam (unintentionally) and it sounds a little too biblical. I will reinstate the first two chapters soon with the changes though I expect more will come and I've rewritten three more chapters... which I may or may not publish here.
To be honest, I am a little bit of a mess at the moment in regards to my writing and a little in regards to my life.