I am in my pre-travel mode of angst. I leave tomorrow morning for Toronto to see my daughter and I am happy about this, very happy, but I can't seem to function this evening. What am I saying? The whole day has been like this. I want to leave yet I haven't done all the things that I should do. And I cancelled a date this evening, at the last moment - an opportunity to congregate with a group of women who love poetry as I love poetry. What the hell is wrong with me?
I felt weird leaving Rob but this evening, he rented a film, I have no interest in. Afterall, I shouldn't be here. Last night, we went to a book reading and the author's tale was too gruesome and I had to leave after he read several passages. I waited outside for Rob. My big question to myself is how am I to live in this world? Where do I belong?
Am I being melodramatic? Am I making too big a deal of things?
Yes, I am. No, I'm not. I smile to myself. Rob would call this woman's logic. (Or so I think.) But, if I am to take myself seriously, I have a lot to be worried about - even my neighbour concerns me. She loves animals. There is a dead squished squirrel in the middle of the road, directly in front of her house. I hope someone will remove it.
I worry about the engagement I cancelled this evening. My friend prepared a room for me. I worry about an engagement I cancelled next weekend because I found I have to work. I feel that I am one big disappointment.
I feel again melodramatic. The world will survive without me. Why do I think I am so important? I like to think that I am a woman of my word and I don't appear to be able to keep my word. Do I have a grandiose sense of self?
And such are the thoughts roaming round my poor brain this evening. Tomorrow I fly away.
I return to this entry later in the evening and shake my head at myself. I am now packed and ready to go. I have an urge to leave, to go to my friend's, to be near the airport. But it is too late. My two guys are settled, watching a comedy about a dog who smokes a cigar and insults people. (I am not knocking this show. The weiner dog is funny.) But I can't take them into the city and beyond at this time. I honestly wish I could have pulled myself together earlier.
I received yet another rejection note for a story this morning. I didn't expect it to be accepted but still, I hoped... damn, I better sign off... I am gloomy.
Gill has requested we pretend we're in Europe. I like this. So tomorrow I shall imagine I'm in Paris and shall sit with my daughter in her favourite cafe. We will talk, laugh, smoke cigars, and write in our journals a la Anais Nin.